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Images of Othello

Shakespeare leaves much to audiences' imaginations. But where does that leave artists who seek to portray Shakespearean characters?

This exhibition, provided by Ronan Paterson and curated by Philip Parr, brings together an array of representations of Shakespeare's tragic character, Othello, over the years.

Featuring many styles of illustration and recognisable artists, this exhibition is a compelling addition to this year's York International Shakespeare Festival, 18 -28 April.


Saturday 12 April - Thursday 4 July 024

Free just pop down when York Explore is open


No need to book

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Explore York exhibition spaces are supported using public funding by Arts Council England

Explore York is a National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) designated by Arts Council England. The funding recognises Explore’s cultural contribution in creating and promoting artistic experiences, supporting artists, and engaging communities.

Explore York’s NPO programme for 2023–26 aims to deliver creative and cultural activities inspired by the nationally significant Explore York Archives collections for place-based storytelling, connecting communities, and enriching social wellbeing.

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